

ენდრონიკაშვილი მერაბ, ერეკლე II-ის თანამებრძოლი. XVIII ს. 40-იან წლებში მონაწილეობდა თბილისის განთავისუფლებისათვის ბრძოლაში. აბდულა-ბეგის დამარცხების შემდეგ ნარიყალის ყიზილბაში მეციხოვნეები გატყდნენ და უვნებლობის პირობით მეფეს დანებდნენ. ერეკლე II-მ ნარიყალა 60 კახელ მებრძოლთან ერთად ე-ს ჩააბარა 1748 წ. 22 ივნისს.

Irakli Abashidze – 100

On November 23, 2009 will be the centenary of the famous Georgian poet, academician, Rustaveli award laureate and public figure Irakli Abashidze.


For them, who loves Tbilisi...

Year 2009 started also successfully for Georgian Encyclopedia. The very desired and useful book - Encyclopedia TBILISI. STREETS, AVENUES, SQUARES was edited. The presentation was held twice and was lighted up by all TV Channels.


Georgian Written Language

Under this title was published the article in “24 Hours” (December 20, 2008, author Sopho Kilasonia). It is about one more edition of Georgian Encyclopedia – “GEORGIAN WRITTEN LANGUAGE “.
Presentation of the book was held in TBC Bank head office on December 19, 2008.


Voices from Cosmos...

In “Kviris Palitra” from June 19-25, 2006 was published an article – “For Now Armenians Misappropriate “Chakrulo” and “Mravaljamieri” (author Khatuna Paichadze). Particularly is mentioned deplorable fact, that in musical CD named “Missing Taiga”, edited in Stuttgart in 2004, is gone down hundred songs of USSR. Two songs among them – “Chakrulo” and “Mravaljamieri” – is christened as Armenian songs and ensemble “Rustavi” - as an Armenian group.


The Year Edition

May 17, 2008 in TBC Bank head office was held the presentation of encyclopedia “GEORGIAN LANGUAGE”. This remarkable event was lighted up by mass media.
Here are some quotations from the published articles:
“The idea of making this Encyclopedia come into being in 1990s. At that time the Chief Editor of Georgian Encyclopedia was Avtandil Sakvarelidze, the director of Institute of Linguistics was Besarion Jorbenadze. It has been preparing for several years”.


Georgian Encyclopedia celebrated its 40th anniversary

In 2006 Georgian Encyclopedia celebrated its 40th anniversary. Jubilee date was coincide with appointment as a Chief Editor of Georgian Encyclopedia encyclopediab Abashidze. This fact was responded by printed media and TV Channels – “Imedi” and “I Channel”.

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