Was edited by I. Abashidze Chief Editorial Board of Georgian Encyclopedia in 2008.
In this book with graphical drafts by the author and the colored reproductions given by National Centre of Manuscripts is given the way of development of Georgian alphabet from the V to XVII centuries with the graphical tables. Analyzing Georgian written language graphically and comparing it with other alphabet shows the independent way of creating of Georgian alphabet.
The author of the text: H. Machavariani, designed by G. Gigashvili, editorial group: Z. Abashidze, I. Abashidze, G. Darsalia, M. Tushishvili.
The artistic letters and graphical drafts are given by E. Machavariani.
The edition of “Georgian Written Language” was feasible with the aid of the company “GeoCell” and publishing house “Arte”.
The Editorial Board of Encyclopedia is thankful to the international donation found “Cartu” for constant support.

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